
We are an experimental quantum optics group run by Kevin Resch, based in the Department of Physics & Astronomy and the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo.

Robert Prevedel joins the group

Robert Prevedel has joined the IQC Quantum Optics and Quantum Information group as a Post-doctoral Fellow. Robert has just recently finished his PhD at the University of Vienna under the supervision of Anton Zeilinger. Welcome Robert!

Jonathan wins prestigious award

Jonathan Lavoie has been awarded the NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Doctoral Scholarship. Congratulations Jonathan!


News archive 2008

07/12/08 Our article Simplifying quantum logic using higher-dimensional Hilbert spaces was published in Nature Physics.

14/10/08 Our article Quantum-inspired interferometry with chirped laser pulses was published in Nature Physics and featured on the cover! ArXiv version


Chirped-pulse interferometry published in Nature Physics

Automatic dispersion cancellation is one of the hallmark features of quantum interference, but does it really need any quantum resources? In this paper we demonstrate a new interference technique, called chirped-pulse interferometry, which exhibits automatic dispersion cancellation without entanglement or any quantum effects. No longer constrained to running two photons at a time, […]

News archive 2007

03/12/07 Our invited article “White light interferometer automatically cancels dispersion” has been published in Laser Focus World.

28/06/07 Our article Classical dispersion-cancellation interferometry was published in Optics Express.
