Introduction We are an experimental quantum optics group run by Kevin Resch, based in the Department of Physics & Astronomy and the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo.
In the News
- Entanglement à trois, Nature Physics News and Views (Geoff Pryde) (2014)
- It’s a good time for time-bin qubits Viewpoint in Physics (Todd Pittman) (2013)
- Tripartite entanglement Nature Photonics (Noriaki Horiuchi) (2013)
- Entanglement can help in classical communication (Miranda Marquit) (2011)
- Entangled in a dating game Viewpoint in Physics (Mark Wilde) (2011)
- Entanglement cuts through the noise Physics Today (Johanna Miller) (2011)
- Bound entanglement: mysterious invention of nature Europhysics News (Ryszard Horodecki) (2011)
- Quantum computing: shaking up ground states Nature Physics News and Views (Robert Raussendorf) (2010)
- Quantum optics breakthrough: New method generates photon triplets (2010)
- Photons meet with three-way split Nature News (Jon Cartwright) (2010)
- Physicists demonstrate qubit-qutrit entanglement (Lisa Zyga) (2008)
- Super resolution phase measurements — without entanglement (Miranda Marquit) (2007)
- Zeilinger-Gruppe: Neues Konzept für Quantencomputer (2005)
- Alles verschränkt! (2005)
- One way to quantum computing Editor’s summary, Nature highlights (March 10, 2005)
- Neuer Rekord in der Quantenkommunikation (2005)
- Verschänkte Photonen durch Wien geschickt (2005)
- die Quantenjäger ZDF documentary (2004). Topic: Free-space quantum communication collaboration between the groups of Anton Zeilinger (U. Vienna) and Harald Weinfurter (Ludwig Maximillian U. Munich)
- Entanglement bridges the Danube (2003)
- Entanglement bridges the Danube IoP Physicsweb (2003)
- Entangled photons dance across the blue Danube Anil Ananthaswamy, New Scientist, pp. 15, (June 28 2003)
- Getting entangled in Free space John G. Rarity, Science, 301, 604 (2003) Science – Physics Perspectives (2003)
- Interference acts as light “switch” (2001)
- Newly discovered photon switch could revolutionize computing – The SPIE magazine of photonics technologies and applications (2001)
- Photon switch on leading edge for more powerful computers Sue Toye News@UofT (2001)
- Nonclassical Light Phil Schewe, James Riordon, and Ben Stein, AIP Physics News Update, 519 (Jan 4, 2001)