
We are an experimental quantum optics group run by Kevin Resch, based in the Department of Physics & Astronomy and the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo.

Ph+otons Vs. Photo+ns in Nature Communications

Our article, An experimental test of noncontextuality without unphysical idealizations, by Mike Mazurek, Matt Pusey, Ravi Kunjwal, Kevin Resch, and Rob Spekkens was just published in Nature Communications.  This work is the result of a collaboration between IQC and the Perimeter Institute on Experimental Quantum Foundations.

Abstract: To make precise the sense in which nature fails to respect classical physics, one requires a formal notion of classicality. Ideally, such a notion should be defined operationally, so that it can be subject to direct experimental test, and it should be applicable in a wide variety of experimental scenarios so that it can cover the breadth of phenomena thought to defy classical understanding. Bell’s notion of local causality fulfils the first criterion but not the second. The notion of noncontextuality fulfils the second criterion, but it is a long-standing question whether it can be made to fulfil the first. Previous attempts to test noncontextuality have all assumed idealizations that real experiments cannot achieve, namely noiseless measurements and exact operational equivalences. Here we show how to devise tests that are free of these idealizations. We perform a photonic implementation of one such test, ruling out noncontextual models with high confidence.

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